Sunday, September 8, 2019

A small update

Hello all! Sorry it's been a while since the last update, there's been rather a lot going on. I started planning a restructuring of the blog, then got hit with a combination of norovirus, covering for colleagues who were ill, and then recovering from all of that. Suddenly all of August was gone, and I hadn't written a thing.
So, blog plans! I've ended up with a bit of a backlog of things, and am going to have a go at shorter, weekly updates, and alternate between what I've been up to, and going through Uncle Jack's old notes. The exact frequency of which happens when remains to be seen. Might take a while to get all of that setup and ready, but hopefully, that should be starting in a fortnight.

In the meantime, to actually stick to the intended theme of Canadian eccentricities, here are some fancy sweet tins:

And a very nice set of bitters from a Canadian company, with a range of interesting flavours, such as charred cedar, praire rose and mango and saffron:

Also, I've been tinkering with a bit of photo editing. Here are a few updates of older shots- some enhanced, some that now look more like what I could see, but not capture.

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